Dean of Students (A-L)
815-467-2140 Ext. 5102
Email Ryan Flanagan
Deans' Office
The mission of the Deans' Office is to support the discipline code at Minooka Community High School and ensure that our campuses are safe. It is also our desire to help foster a learning community that motivates students to achieve their highest potential. The school's discipline code promotes mutual respect among faculty and students and protects the rights of all individuals to pursue their education.
At MCHS, we seek to foster a partnership between the school and our parent community, working together to support the growth of our students. To that end, we ask your support to help create a positive learning environment for our students.
Helpful Information
Central Campus
Ryan Flanagan
Susanne Madding
Dean of Students (M-Z)
815-467-2140 Ext. 5037
Email Susanne Madding
Brai Munson
815-467-2140 Ext. 5112
Email Brai Munson
Brooke Brenczewski
815-467-2140 Ext. 5065
Email Brooke Brenczewski
South Campus
Renee Ebel
Dean of Students (A-Le)
815-521-4001 Ext. 4136
Email Renee Ebel
Patrick Watson
Dean of Students (Lf-Z)
815-521-4001 Ext. 4167
Email Patrick Watson
Melanie Safarcyk
815-521-4001 Ext. 4133
Email Melanie Safarcyk
Katie Bukala
Administrative Assistant
815-521-4001 Ext. 4130
Email Katie Bukala